
This section provides an overview of the options available in the addon preferences.


Clean Up method for N-Panel:

Blender’s has an inbuilt way to enable/disable addons for the current workspace using Workspace ‘Filter addons’ but for CP it is an outdated method, and we don’t recommend using it. Most newer features, like Focus Panels, do not work with this method. Therefore, it is advised to use the N-Panel Filtering method.


This method will be removed in the next version.

Sort Focus Panel list based on clicks

By default, the Focus Panel list is sorted alphabetically, or if you are using Focus Panel Categories, they will be sorted by the order given in those categories. Enable this option if you want your Focus Panel list to be sorted based on the panels you use most often.

Use Filtering Per Workspace

Enable this option if you want different sets of filter categories enabled across different workspaces. For example, you could have your material categories enabled in the shading workspace and your modeling categories enabled in the modeling workspace.


Remove Holder Tab

You don’t need to disable this. If you disable it, all your filtered-out panels will be stored in a ‘DUMP’ tab available in the N-Panel. Keeping it enabled ensures you won’t have to worry about it.

Show Delete button in the Quick Settings Panel

Enable this if you want to see delete buttons in the Quick Settings Panel (the Gear icon in the viewport). DeleteButtons

Use Search instead of Popup for adding Panels/Addons to categories

If you have many addons and the checkbox popup can’t fit them, you can either enlarge your preferences window or revert to the old style of adding Panels/Addons to categories, which is a search popup.


Filter Internal Tabs

Blender has some internal tabs that aren’t part of any addons. It was not possible to filter them before V5.0, but now it is. It’s off by default, but if you want to filter them out, you can enable this. When adding addons to your N-Panel filtering Categories, you will see them listed with ‘(Tab)’ in their name.


Experimental Features

This section is planned to be removed in the future, as it is related to the workspace clean-up method.

Use Sticky Popups

Enable this if you want your dropdowns and pie panels to stay open until you click outside of them.


It’s currently not possible to keep them open after clicking outside, due to a Blender limitation. If Blender fixes this in the future, we will update it accordingly.

Enable/Disable Addons

This popup allows you to view all your addons and enable/disable them from one window.